In response to a recent CDC report that advised delaying the arrival of cruise ships arriving from countries with high levels of gastrointestinal illness, cruise line operators have begun tightening their safety guidelines. In a statement to Cruise Critic, Carnival Cruise Lines said that safety is the “top priority” of their operations, and therefore ship movements will remain within their previously announced “normal” times, which include a 24-hour pause between the first and second days at sea.

Several cruise lines are tightening their testing requirements for small children following the CDC’s announcement that vaccinations for infectious diseases may no longer be used to justify travel restrictions.

Cruise lines have been tightening their environmental and technical tests following a CDC update that recommended stricter rules for vessels that currently carry passengers on the high seas.  A new CDC report, released on September 22nd , recommends that those ships should undergo more frequent and rigorous testing on fuel emissions and lower the risk of fire and water damage.. Read more about cdc cruise guidelines 2024 and let us know what you think.

After the Centers for Disease Control announced modifications to the Conditional Sailing Order, at least four cruise companies have reduced the period that customers had to obtain a negative COVID test before their trip (CSO).

Cruise Lines Tighten Testing Timing Following CDC Update

The CDC now advises that fully vaccinated travelers obtain a COVID test no more than two days before flying — or get a test on the day of departure. Passengers who have not been vaccinated must obtain a test no later than three days before the trip.

The adjustment was made “due to enhanced transmissibility of certain COVID-19 variants of concern, and indications of breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated individuals,” according to the public health ministry.

Despite the fact that the CSO and its associated guidelines are no longer binding instructions, many cruise companies have decided to voluntarily follow its advise.

Timeline: Cruise Industry Shutdown 2024-2021

Cruise operators are responding to the new rules in a variety of ways, from Disney Cruise Line is a cruise line owned by Disney.s offering free pierside quick PCR tests to MSC Cruises is a company that specializes in luxury cruises merely reducing the pre-cruise testing period.

Here’s a look at some of the main cruise lines’ current rules.

Carnival Cruise Lines is a cruise line that specializes in

Cruise Lines Tighten Testing Timing Following CDC Update

Carnival Cruise Line is shown.

Carnival Cruise Line will demand pre-cruise testing for all passengers (regardless of vaccination status) within two days before to the departure date, according to Cruise Radio.

However, the line also said that it is working on plans to provide quick testing at all of its homeports in the United States. That would be good news, since the 48-hour minimum may be problematic for some, particularly those who want to be in the port city early.

“We understand some of our guests are experiencing difficulty obtaining a pre-cruise COVID-19 test,” Carnival now says, “especially with the new two-day window set by the CDC that takes effect on September 13.” We’re planning to put up mobile testing stations at all of our embarkation homeports so that you may get a quick test the day before or the day of your flight.”

There will be a charge, but the exact amount has yet to be decided.

“Carnival will fund the infrastructure of the mobile testing locations, but the testing business will collect a per-person fee,” says the statement (to be established). The phrase reads, “While providers will not take insurance, you will be given a receipt if you want to submit the amount to your insurance company.”

Princess Cruises is a company that specializes in luxury cruise

Cruise Lines Tighten Testing Timing Following CDC Update

Princess Cruises photo

Princess Cruises will require all fully vaccinated passengers to show a negative COVID-19 test (PCR or antigen) performed within two days of departure beginning September 19.

Upon arrival at the terminal, fully vaccinated passengers will be asked to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test as well as proof of complete vaccination.

Carnival announces which ships will return this fall, and others have been postponed until 2024.

Guests who have obtained a vaccine exemption must still undergo a negative PCR test two days prior to embarkation, and will be tested again at the terminal before to boarding the ship, and again within 24 hours after debarkation (for itineraries five days or longer). The cost of testing and administration for these visitors will be $150 per person.

In a statement, Princess stated, “These additional measures are being introduced to safeguard our passengers and staff while aboard.” “We anticipate that these restrictions will be transitory, and we appreciate your cooperation and eagerly await your arrival.”

Disney Cruise Line

Cruise Lines Tighten Testing Timing Following CDC Update

Wishes from Disney (Rendering: Disney Cruise Line)

All passengers, regardless of age or vaccination status, will be required to undergo a pierside quick PCR test before to boarding, according to Disney Cruise Line. The cruise line will pay the cost of the exam.

The new rule takes effect on September 13 and is in addition to the need for a pre-trip inspection. There have also been changes: the opportunity for passengers under the age of 11 to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result has been lowered to three days to 24 hours prior to the sail date. It used to be between five days and 24 hours before the sailing date.

A fast PCR test or a lab-based PCR test must be used as a pre-trip test. Antigen testing performed in a hurry will not be approved.

The family-friendly cruise company previously stated that from September 3, all passengers aged 12 and above must be properly vaccinated before sailing to any location.

MSC Cruises

Cruise Lines Tighten Testing Timing Following CDC Update

Ocean Cay, MSC Divina (Photo courtesy of MSC Cruises)

Beginning November 1, MSC Cruises changed its policy for all cruises leaving from Miami and Port Canaveral.

All passengers two years and older, regardless of vaccination status, must provide proof of a negative COVID test done no more than two days before to arrival at the terminal for embarkation for these sailings.

Royal Caribbean International is a cruise line based in the United

Royal Caribbean’s testing procedures for sailings from US ports or Nassau, Bahamas have remained unchanged thus far.

All passengers aged two and above, regardless of vaccination status, must undergo a COVID-19 test (PCR or antigen) no more than three days before to arrival at the terminal and provide a negative test result when they arrive.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently added the recommendation that all US cruise ships be inspected for four times per week, not just twice per week, by January 1, 2018. This new change was made in the interest of human health, not cruise lines’ bottom lines.. Read more about cruise restrictions 2024 and let us know what you think.

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  • cdc cruise vaccine requirements
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